Rozemarijn van Dijk

Rozemarijn van Dijk


University of Antwerp

My name is Rozemarijn van Dijk and I am a PhD-student at the University of Antwerp in Belgium. My dissertation is about the underrepresentation of women in politics and candidate selection.

Download my cv. Last updated January 2024.

  • Party Politics
  • Gender and Politics
  • Candidate selection
  • Dutch Politics
  • Research master Political Science and Public Administration, 2019

    Leiden University

  • Bachelor Political Science, 2016

    Leiden University


My name is Rozemarijn van Dijk and I am currently a PhD-researcher and teaching assistant at the University of Antwerp in Belgium. Besides being an academic, I am a big fan of bird watching, discovering (and more importantly, eating) cheeses, listening to podcasts and reading books. On this website I will give you a quick overview of my research and several outreach activities.

In 2013 I started as a student in the bachelor program Political Science at Leiden University, where I graduated cum laude. During the bachelor I did an internship at the The Netherlands Institute for Social Research. During this internship I discovered that doing social research was my passion. Therefore, I enrolled in the research master Political Science and Public Administration in 2016. In 2019 I obtained my master degree (cum laude). Currently I am doing my PhD at the University of Antwerp, under supervision of Prof. dr. P. Meier and Prof. dr. J. J. M. Van Holsteyn.

Besides doing my PhD, I am also a teaching assistant. Apart from providing assistance to professors in the organization of their courses, I regularly give guest lectures and teach courses. In 2020-2021 I supervised a bachelor thesis class on gender and lobbying. Since 2019 I teach a seminar about affective polarization in the master Political Communication.

Since social sciences is broader than publishing academic papers, I try to translate research to society as well. I do this by writing blogs and opinion articles. Together with a colleague I also started a podcast about research that is conducted in our research group. You can listen to the podcast (in Dutch) on several podcast players, such as Spotify.


Dissertation project

My dissertation project is inspired by the puzzle of the underrepresentation of women in parliament. In my research I focus on the recruitment chain: how do politicians get selected? This is of crucial importance, since already on the ballot paper women are underrepresented. In different papers I try to study the candidate selection procedure from different angles: e.g., who are the people that select candidates? What kind of preferences do they have for the ideal candidate list? But I will also look at the other side: the candidates. Which party members are more likely to run for office?

By investigating these questions, I will contribute to answering the question of why there still is no equal gender representation in parliament.

Other projects

Apart from my dissertation project, I am involved in a couple of other research projects. These projects are about affective polarization, gender quota, and gender diversity in the media.


(2023). Ambitious Women: Hidden within the Party?. Politics of the Low Countries.


(2023). A Long March Towards Equality: Predicting the Presence of Women in Television News.


(2023). Playing by the rules? The formal and informal rules of candidate selection. Women’s Studies International Forum.


(2022). Fit for Office? The Perception of Female and Male Politicians by Dutch Voters. Politics of the Low Countries.



A list of popular publications can be found here and a list of interviews can be found here.
